Demon Hunting? OH **** YES!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
This may be the most difficult game since the NES days. But the thing about this game is that no matter how hard or how many times you die. YOU WILL ALWAYS COME BACK TO IT. It stays in your mind when your not playing it. The epic boss fights. The beautiful world thats been laid out before you. You truly do feel like a hero walking into the land of boletaria to destroy the old one. The voice acting is superb and everything about this game is deliciously awsome. Now for the difficulty.. At first its extremely hard but after you raise your stats and start to learn the style of the game, you'll be getting through dungeons with next to no problems. The thing with this game is that you can't just rush through expecting to hack and slash down every single enemy in your path. You need to stop and think about what tactics your going to do to take down this bastard. Plus once you start going through levels you'll start to memorize what enemy is where and what you will have to do to take him down. So preparing before you enter a level is a must. Get as many potions, mana potions, etc as you deem worthy of a situation. I have a pure physical character going at the moment and so far I'm going through levels without dying once. So now lets get on with the negative parts of the review. Your going to die and your going to die more then once. This game is unforgiving and is an example of real life health. A swordsman takes a hack at you. You lose more then 50 % of your health depending on your armor / stats. Same towards that swordsman though. You take a hack out of him he's going to lose more then half his health. You have to prepare yourself for ever fight. Raise your shield blocking his sword. Step back to avoid a slash. Then take a chunk of his flesh from him at the right time. This one epic fight with one enemy may take from 20 seconds to 3 minutes depending on how evenly matched you and him are. Which is one of the most frusterating parts of this game. If you walk into a room where an enemy is and that enemy can one hit kill you and you dont notice he's there. Prepare for death and tell the children to leave due to the profanity flying at your mouth. I double middle fingered my tv just yestarday lmao. So he hits you. Your dead. Your souls get dropped onto a blood stain which you then must acquire by... Starting at the very beginning of the stage and defeating every enemy once again and reaching the spot where you died. HOPEFULLY this time defeating that enemy who killed you. Touch the bloodstain with the souls and you gain them all back. Die on the way to getting your souls and you lose them all. There are no check points. This game does not baby you at all. You are a demon slayer in boletaria. You either fight for your life or you die.. brutally. This game does not **** around. Those demons want you dead. Thats the fun part of this game though. Once you understand how you have to fight, how to raise your characters, what spells are good against what, upgrading your armor and weapons. It no longer becomes extremely difficult but more of a challenge. Boy when you actually beat a level the accomplishment is just like. Hot DAMN! I did it! TAKE THAT YOU UGLY DEMON ********* *** *** ******!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOTTT!!!!!!!!!! xD!!!! But anyways. The main reason the game is titled Demon Souls is because thats exactly it. You collect demon souls. They are used as currency and leveling your stats. Every time you level a stat though they cost more souls. Which means you will be grinding / going through a stage numerous times to raise your stats. PLUS while this is going on you will need to buy pots and upgrade items to keep your attack and defence rising. You may be stuck at a character level for a very long time while you try to upgrade a sword to + 3. If you make it out of the stage with the souls. Spend every single one of them right there or unless you truly believe you can move forward take them with you. THERE IS A HIGH risk you are going to lose them all due to the next stage usually gets tougher. So overall. I'd give this game a 9.5 Its an amazing game. Rent it first because it is still 69.99 (I bought it used for 64.99 xD!). Play it for a few hours and see how the game works. If you like it then buy it. I'd recommend it for any rpg fan or ps3 owner.