Demon's Souls is hard at first and can be frustrating, but stick with it and you're in for a treat.
The strongest point of Demon's Souls is it's challenging enemies and close to perfect battle controles. Against every foe you have to think about what way to tackle them. Should you use a direct offencive approach by grabbing your weapon with both hands or try and parry with your shield? Maybe you go by Trowing fireballs in their faces or lure them into a trap?
Only things that is not perfect about the controlles is that the targeting system may fail you sometimes, it doesn't have a very long reach and sometimes it's hard to target the enemy you want. Also using ranged weapons or spells without having your target locked on is utterly useless.
Online Demon's Souls feels fresh with its rather unique way of letting players help eachother out. You can write small messages anywhere you go or offer your help to another player. Maybe having the option to write your messanges yourself or making this a bit easier wouldn't have hurt but it works well nevertheless.
An other aspect of online play is that you can invade eachothers worlds. This is a neat and rather fun idea, BUT it is not completely thought trough. There really should be a choice for the player if they want to be invaded or not. It is rather annoying being attacked by someone in the middle of a large fight or dying having to redo your whole level because of it. And the reward for killing an invader is rather dull to. Dying because someone invaded you happens fairly often since most invaders will be more then 20 levels above you and have much better equipment.
I know that this is turning into somewhat of a negative review but it's easier to write about what's wrong or not so good about the game then trying to explain what's so good about it.
So here are some negatives...
- There should be more information about how different attributes will effect your avatar.
- Enemies and debrie shouldn't stick to the avatar while running over them.
- Alot more dialogue would help spicing up gameplay since it can feel like you're just killing demons for no real reason.
- A soul level comparison and the choice to say no to invasions from other players.
- Much much more cool equipment and weapons.
- Longer range on the target- lock function and a way to aim your ranged attacks manually.
And some positives to end with then...
- Combat is challenging and very satisfying.
- Lot's of choices while creating your avatar.
- Very nice and intriguing surroundings and enemies.
- Fighting equally geared and leveled players can be very fun.