Demon's Souls is as fun to play as it is visually stimulating. It's difficulty and replay value make it HIGHLY ADDICTIVE
User Rating: 10 | Demon's Souls PS3
I bought Demon's Souls the day it was released and my utter excitement caused me to act out and kiss the game case, but when I brought it home, I found out that I should have been way more excited! Each level has a fresh new atmosphere which no game can compare, maybe Bioshock, the enemies were visually arousing as well. You die A LOT in this game, like when a review says you die a TON, that is an under exaggeration. Dying a lot causes you to want to go train, get new weapons and conquer new levels and most of all give you motivation to complete the challenges. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES! See Demon's Souls even has morals. The multi-player system is fresh and new; although it is upsetting you cannot play with friends. HOPEFULLY they come up with DLC so players can play the stone that is destroyed!