amazing RPG, one of the best online games ever!!! but really hard keep reading.....
the co op is amazing.
yes its hard game and i took me to finish the game
more then a week week but its really fun
the combat is amazing u can preform strong attack normal
attack gourd and more. u can choose what class u wanna be
u can be magician knight solider and other type of
warriors each level is big and special u access the levels from
a place that called the nexus every time that u finish a level
u can play new level new place with stronger and stranger
enemies when u kill enemy u take his souls with souls u can
buy new items but if u die u loose all your souls
the online co op(no offline co op)is great.
this game isnt such great in some guys opinions so
first rent this game.
in my opinion ds is second best game of