This game is like a love and hate relationship. It is extremely hard and possibly one of the best game ever made.

User Rating: 9.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
This game will knock you down. It will not hold your hand, and you have a quick tutorial of what to do and the adventure begins. This dark dangerous place and you will die not matter what you do, also the way you die will be completely your fault and nobody else. This game is a place that will suck you in and knock you down, but you will come back for more and more. This game is the hardest game of the decade, this is old-school style where it will not hold your hand for a second. Example if there is a big dragon in front a lot of treasure, go ahead you can grab if you get past the dragon. It is possible to kill it you just better make sure you can. If you decide to take that little jump of a short cut to pass a couple monsters you better hope you don't land in a trap or to your death. Laws of Physics apply you jump off big staircase you will die no questions asked. You get mad at a merchant and you kill him, he is not coming back ever he will stay dead. This game will kill you and it will be your fault.