Oh, where to begin... Simply the best game on the PS3 so far.
A short while later though, I decided to go back to it, and played a bit more strategically this time. After I had a more understanding of the game mechanics, I was hooked. Oh man, it grabbed me by the collar and refused to let go.
Granted, it IS a very difficult game. Although rather difficult, it's more like frustrating. The penalties for dying are pretty harsh (and yeah, you die all the time, it's just part of the game) but that is PRECISELY the reason why this game is so addictive. Every time you earn a trophy, it is the most satisfying feeling ever.
And for some reason, this is the only game where I felt the NEED to obtain the platinum trophy. No matter how unfair the condition is for a trophy, it never felt like a chore, because I enjoyed every moment of it (although I had my fair share of tearing my hair out). I'm currently near the end of the second playthrough, and I'm still not bored of Demon's Souls. Still looking forward to the other one and half playthroughs for the platinum trophy.
The gameplay is definitely unique. Not going to get into details (I'm sure everyone else already have) but there are so many possibilities for how you can play the game. Physical beat-down? Ranged attacks? Or resorting to the hit and run tactic? Trying everything out is very rewarding in itself.
Oh and did I mention this game has the best voice acting ever? I totally talk to NPCs just to listen to them speak. And the the voices are the same in the original Japanese version, which is kind of interesting. The developers must have a very good sense of these kinds of things.
Yeah, even if you don't like the game, at least borrow from a friend or something and give the experience a try. Who knows, it just may bring out the game masochist in you.