One of PS3s best RPGS and most diffcult..

User Rating: 9.5 | Demon's Souls PS3
Demon's Souls has to be one of the hardest PS3 games I have played in while. The reasons I will get to in a minute. All I have to say is...... YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME.


Nothing much here it's basicly set in a place called boletaria being controlled by king Alliant and you have to stop him.

Score: 5


Like I saided before it's really hard. There are reasons to this, you will die alot. Mainly because the AI is really smart they will block your attacks, Dodge you, roll away and even kill you in one blow. You start of by choosing 10 classs's and each of them have there pros and cons such as one can do magic attacks but does'nt have melee weapons. When you first start the game the controls take time to get used to. The R1 button is your normal attack and R2 is your Strong attack. But as you use your weapon the stamina gauge will be empty So when you are up against an enermy you won't be able to do any actions. You will die from that and theres traps like a flaming dragon that can kill you if torched. The leveling up system is diffrant to most games unlike say FF. When you kill enemies you'll gain souls and you use the souls to upgrade your equipment, Leveling up your states and buying grass.

The boss battles are mind blowing they will take you quite awhile to kill them. To make the game even harder if you die you will lose the souls but can be reclamined if you don't die the second time.

It's really fun and IT NEVER GETS BORING



Looks really good, The textures look clourful, Charater models look great
Nothing bad I can say about this.

Score: 10


It doesn't really have that much music but some of it is memorable. The sound effects are great, The voice acting IMO is alright.



Demon Souls is one of the best games I have played this gen. If you have PS3 get this game. If you don't have PS3 get it for this.

Score: 9.5