Total and epic WIN

User Rating: 10 | Demon's Souls PS3
Okay so let me first say that I love this game and gave it a 10 because I think it is perfect, there are a few things that could have been better but it may have taken away from the other aspects of the game and therefore made it less than a 10 rating, but I'm not sure if I would say it's GOTY, but it is really good. However, I am in love with self punishment so my opinion is biased, at least I can admit it. LOL.

So with that let me address the two biggest concerns for this game. First the story, or lack thereof. This game has little to no story and it's quite bland. World in trouble, blah blah blah, you're the only one who can stop it, yadda yadda yadda. Nothing special there. Next big issue is the difficulty. Yea, it's really as hard as you hear. It's tear-your-face-off, punch-a-baby, go-hulkamania-on-your-controller difficult. And that's just the first time around, LOL. Next round is almost double the difficulty. However, this game has infinitely more redeeming qualities so lets get to them.

First we'll get to the more minute details, starting with the sound/music. Okay this, although "minute", is also very enveloping. The music not only sets the mood but really makes you FEEL what's going on. Whether you're assaulting a castle, tearing through a mine shaft, or just destroying a giant flaming dragon. No matter what the situation you're gonna hear it and you will feel apart of the action. Especially boss fights, my nerves went nuts every time the music changed to that haunting boss theme. However, it's also the little sounds that really get you. Every step clanking, your armor shifting, your weapon swinging... Every time you block an attack, kill an enemy or just land a decisive blow. Whether you're sniping a dragon or hacking at a dog, the sound effects are nothing short of perfection.

Now getting to the meatier stuff we have the overall looks and graphics of the game. This is where the developers, as John Hammond would say, spared no expense. The environment is breathtaking and at times pure awe inspiring. From the huge flame-hating cow paddy as the first boss all the way to the flying manta rays and back to the climbing wall of the first fortress castle. Every enemy, trash or boss, every landscape is beautiful and only further immerses you into the world which you are fighting in. One of the best parts is after you've played for a few hours, you get to know the bad guys who you can wail on, and the ones who'll squish you like a bug. You see those flame red eyes and all you can think is "RUN AWAY!". Just the emotions you get from what you're seeing is amazing and not like any other game I've ever played.

Now the real seller of this game. The gameplay. I'll admit, it takes a while before you fully understand the concept of the fighting and overall survival tactics. Like others have said, you're gonna die... a lot. But it all ends up being like a trial and error process. Once you've gotten the basics, you die less. Then you fight badder guys and you learn on them and you're dying decreases even more. Before the end of the first go round after you've mastered the art of damaging from afar and finishing up close, you'll be able to kill anything. Now the boss fights definitely up the ante on amount of trial and error it takes to perfect what you're trying to do but even after you've figured out their secrets, they become quite easy to vanquish as well. Including the flame dragon boss, that guy was annoying.

Overall, this game is absolutely amazing. I ended up creating at least 4 different characters and they all beat the game at least once. In the end, all the trophies are achievable, without any extra wanna-stab-myself-in-the-eye feelings. But even still, for those of you who play this and see this as too hard, well maybe you're just not motivated enough, or not good enough. (No insults intended cause you do have to be exceptionally strategic and not everyone is). However, if you find it in yourself, or you're just a glutton for punishment, you can easily beat this game, and when it's over, your story driven mind will NOT be satisfied with the going-along-with-the-rest-of-the-game, lackluster story ending. Yet, you will feel an overwhelming sense of self worth and accomplishment. A feeling that few, if any, other games will ever give you and certainly not to this extent. I for one have never been more proud of my work in a video game since I beat the first Legend of Zelda when I was like 6 or so. And I've played A LOT of games since then. (Maybe beating Sephiroth for the first time is up there too...)

In the end, I hope you all enjoy it because i know that if given the proper amount of effort, which may be too much for many people, this game can give back in ways very few others can. And all the while you're completing this EPIC journey this game takes you on, you will be nothing short of taken aback back all the other facets that this game has to offer. Good luck to all those who have yet to beat it, and grats to all those who already have. I hope you find this game as rewarding as I did.

P.S (this game also has a VERY interesting multiplayer aspect, one in which I didn't really delve into enough to really comment on it other than to say that I feel it is one of the most interesting and innovative in a game since online play was invented and I think it has a lot of potential to be awesome. But I'll get into that more once I've gotten all the trophies. But I will say, read up on it, I'm sure it will interest more than most of you)