Can you handle the demons within you? If yes proceed. If not get outta here sissy!
Story: Oh man the story.. Where to begin? The story in this game barely exists. When you start the game the it gives you the option of playing a tutorial level of the bat which is cool. However, the story not so much. Words to describe Demon Souls's story is bland and doesn't evolve. There are no cut scenes whatsoever, if i remember right, the characters sucks, bad voice overs, and so on. The only story you will get at this game is in the beginning and the end. The story is about a demon called "The Old One" and they need a hero to triumph against this menace. Boring.... It is even worse than the frustrating difficulty because i love a good plot. This however, is one lucky game because the story greatly impacts the game i rate.
Sound: Kinda nothing to see. The voices suck and the music.... too bad. A great game requires a great soundtrack to make it more dramatic, but didn't i say there was no story? Yep music wasn't that great, not that i can remember. Which means not good. Scratch that some parts have some music, on the contrary it's okay at best.
Graphics: Nothing to see here. The game's graphics is alright and nothing special. Fear not the game is still good despite it's flaws.
Gameplay (negatives): To start off its demony or in another word really tough and I consider myself a pretty good gamer too. Due to me learning quick and playing a variety of games, this one is different though. It's different because the game is difficult like many have said before me, including unique gameplay mechanics I've never seen before. Now, before i go into details about the difficulty ill explain the mechanics of the game first. It's pretty simple. You have a health bar, mp bar for magic, for any of those who do not know what that is, and stamina bar. The stamina bar is like your health bar it decrease when you attack, block, roll, run basically fighting, but it also charges back a couple of seconds later, so it's kinda like the health bar. The game works pretty simple, but ill explain later. Now that I've covered the basics ill begin with the difficulty of the game. After the testing of the buttons and the story i started by going into a world or level. When i was playing i was fighting enemies one by one and i was owning these enemies even though i used some potions, I said in my head "man.. i'm good..." but suddenly after proceeding through the stage more powerful enemies appeared before me. I was a little cocky and nervous at the same time if it's even possible then I began the battle with this knight monster; afterwards i died in one hit.... I know right, one hit. That wasn't the only problem i had to start the level all over again with the defeated enemies back AND i lost the money that you can get in the game. Brutal right? You probably say just restart, but one little problem, this game saves constantly when you level up, kill a single monster, open your inventory, even dying, basically not an option. You get my point right? Aside from that the game is short when you know the game left and right after you beat it the first time. The game also gets repetitive from time to time, but the uniqueness of the game kept me going. The lag online also becomes hectic at times, there is no mic chat, and no friend invite for online. Even if it sounds bad i'll go further into it for the positives for this game which means not bad.
Gameplay (positives): The fabulous and creativity from this game is amazing. Even though its different it was beneficial for me as a gamer. The challenging aspect as i stated before can be a bad, but for me i got used to it and it turned out great. When playing the game you get used to the mechanics and evolve through your time playing this. As you die again and again and again you learn something new about the enemy like their attack patterns. It contains some strategy elements, so it was a plus for me. When fighting in this game when you don't die i mean, it can be surprisingly fun. Their are a variety of monsters in each level from dead zombie like monsters, monsters with arrows, tough i mean tough demon knights, and so on. The monsters aren't revolutionary, but it gets the job done. There are classes to that you can pick in the beginning such as warrior, mage, priest, thief, and more, but i cannot remember them all. My bad. I on the other hand, started out as a mage and their were a variety of magics from defensive spells, to poison, and fire spells. Typical spells, but some are unique like several magic balls surrounding you and attacking your foes which is cool. In the game you level up and collect money or experience which basically is used to buy stuff and level you stats, but as i stated before when you die in this game you lose it. However, a positive thing out of this is that you can get it back by going back to the spot you died at, but if you die again too bad it's gone forever. If you stuck with it if you beat the game there is a new game plus that gives you all your weapons, BUT the monsters becomes even more difficult. What more difficult? Yes you heard it more difficult. The monster does more damage and you do less. The thing is that i do not have a problem with it because then i can play it again without beasting through the game again that easily. There are also a bunch of weapons from spears, arrows, axes, swords, and shields. In the game you can use a sword and shield and you can also decide to scrap the shield and use two swords. I know cool. Weapons can also be equipped with both hands for more damage. You could also level up the weapons with these stones that you get throughout your journey. Some are harder to find then others, so don't expect me to go on further because i didn't do much in that department. I leveled some weapons and it just raised the stats of it, including adding elements into the weapons like fire or poison. There are armors, but not a ton of them like the weapons, and rings too for stats. There is also a limit of weight that you can carry, but no worries there is a safe box in the game. In addition to those the boss battles at most levels were cool and creative. Monsters are each different and the some of the okay music shines in the boss battle.
Online: Lastly, there is online. Online in this game isn't a mode it is part of the game. You can play this game without even playing with anyone, but you would be online anyways. The online is different and cool at the same time. You can play with 2 others meaning 3 people including you and beat the level, but not like the whole game though. Here it gets kinda complicated. When you go in the other players level or world you have to be something like a ghost, but not the ghost you are thinking about meaning casper or something. In this game when you die you get half health and when your alive you get full health. Being in the ghost form or another term soul form you can then help whomever is online and when you beat the boss in their stage you get your body back or body form meaning full health. People online can even help you online, so if it's too difficult get help, but you need to summon them when your alive not a ghost. Throughout online you can see others that also are online as real ghost instead of the thing i said earlier. Online players can leave messages on the ground giving tips, blood stains that shows you how the guy online died, so you won't fall into the same fate as he was, and basic duels 1vs1 who is close to your level.
Final thoughts: Throughout my experience with this weird game i must admit that i disliked it because it was too hard and frustrating, but after coming back by playing it more it turned out to be a good game. Even with the painful difficulty trying it once by renting it is a good idea. If you don't love go rent it, if you feel like it's a good game buy it. All in all this game is so unique that even with no story i can still give it a 7.5. What i hope is that if there is a next game some minor tweaks can make this game marvelous. One more thing, sorry for the long review, but with this unique game it needs to be detailed and I also need the practice for school. Wait a minute, now that i thought about it why did i do this? Dang it. Anyways, i hope you guys were briefed in .