Revolutionary, amazing, like nothing you have ever played. DS is an experience ps3 players must have!
Starting at the atmosphere, this game knows how to suck you in this horrible world. Nothing here looks like it's going to help you, and it doesn't, but the environment asks you to explore it, you do want to know what demon is going to be waiting for you at the end of each part and you will want to defeat it with all your power.
The game mechanics is a prime. By the end of the tutorial you can master the controls with no problem (of course some classes are harder to master but it doesn't take too long). Attacking and blocking becomes an art, you must think before doing anything because going at all out attacks will only get you killed, and boy you will die. The aim system can sometimes be a pain, but with the overall fighting mechanic you wil soon forget it's problems.
The graphics are a blast, the demon's look awesome and the character design is great, sure the main char face will be the way you want and sometimes a little bit awkward but with some nice helmet does the trick. The frame rate drops at some points and it can be a pain in some points, but never in a really important fight.
There isn't a really strong story and sometimes you don't know why you are in this mess but becoming more powerful is what keeps you going.
But the core mechanic that makes demon's souls shine like no other game is the multiplayer interface.
While you are alone in that terrible world you see the ghosts of other players walking around and killing things at the same time, but in kind of another dimension. You see and rate messages from others and you can leave hints for them, if one of yours gets rated your health is refiled.
When you are in soul form you can move to another world to help by being summoned or to hunt another player when you try to invade his game.
When in body form you can summon someone to help you or you can be invaded. And boy it is awesome when you receive the message of an invader, your heart starts to pump, adrenaline hits your body and the one of the best video-game experience gets started.
Will take a few 40 to 60 hours to complete everything in this great RPG, but are those hours worthy.
If you die too much in the way, it's your fault you didn't prepare or you messed up during a fight. And remember if you die too much in human form you will have to prepare more.