COD & GTA Fans. This game is NOT for you!! Ninja Gaiden fans Rejoice!!!
This game is meant to punish you for your mistakes.. and punish you often.
This game is NOT for you arcade COD shooter fans. Ive played all the COD since the beginning.. this game is not this bandwagon hype COD 4 modern warfare arcade shooter that 6 years old can whoop you at. This game takes skill, patients.. and strategy.
There will be a flood of people who buy this because of the review.. because they saw the video and the graphics look god.. without having ever read about the game. these are the people that will put bad reviews in. Dont listen to them
I dont really have a single bad word about this game,This is absolute stunning action and the RPG at it's finest. The only other game that has had me this engulfed is The Witcher .. and you console only boys wont know what im talking about. If you like RPG's.. then this game is for you.
The environments are dark and stunning... and gameplay is top notch.
Level Design it done very well and put some one put the maximum effort in. and the Game gives a different feeling when you play it as it seems you are in that infested medieval time yourself.
Final Note: If your going to whine about the games hardness.. go cry to your mommy and have her buy you another game. This one aint for kids folks!!