SP and MP explication, but you need to be patience and RPG Lover with this game. And I think a must buy for PS3 O
I though Fallout 3, Diablo 2, and others RPGs was addictive for me.
I just bought it yesterday, and I can't stop playing the game.
If you have Patience, specially Patience, because you will need that a lot in this game.
Sometimes you need a hand on cooperative fighting with a boss or something.
At least I fight one of the bosses in coop, barely we (3 Players) defeat him.
But most of the time you alone with the Hints (of Players) in the floor helping you.
Also, about the Hints, you have a lot of different Hints to leave in the floor. Depends what kind of situation you are, if you want, you can put a Hint or Hints in the floor to help other players.
You can recommend hints, and if one of your hints is recommended, your HP will be restored.
The Good thing:
Well, it have a lot of things like an RPG Game have and more...LOT of Weapons, Armors, Magic, Spells, summon stuff, different Styles of fighters, Upgrades of weapons, character attributes, Perks, and a LOT more things and a Safe place (or Safe house) called the ''Nexus'' when you can Upgrade, buy, Repair, Deposit and more things...But you can't sell things.
Also, the Multilayer thing, well, as you can see in the Review from Gamespot.
You can see a lot of other players in your world (like a MMORPG) in white color, but physically are not there, and you don't have communication with them (except if you use the Blue, Black or Red Stone, I will explain that after).
Cooperative Mode (limited Cooperative).
In the Cooperative mode, there is 1 one way. Using the Blue Eyes Stone (you will gain that after the 1st Chapter and the white eyes stone too).
A living player must be in the field (everywhere and anywhere but not in the Nexus) if a player in Soul form on that same field has used the Blue eye stone and has the ''SAME SOUL LEVEL'', the living player will be able to see the resulting Soul Sign.
If I drop a blue eyes stone, and you (living player) pick the stone (you can see the stone if you have the same soul level like me or lvl of the character) I will go to your World to help you anywhere in the mission as a Phantom mode.
*As a Phantom, that means I can help you fighting and gain souls (money or points in the game). But if you get killed (living player) the Phantom will return to the original world without loosing Souls, and living player will loose all souls.
If the Phantom get killed, he will return to the original World loosing all Souls.
And the living player still in the field.
The Cooperative is available for 4 Players (3 Phantoms and 1 living Player).
The way to quick the cooperative mode is using the white stone.
Black and Red Stones (2 Modes):
Black Eye Stone (Invading other Worlds)
Oh, and also there is the Black Eye stone, that is you can invade other worlds, attacking a player specifically
The way is the game will search a player's worlds to invade.
But if you invade other Players, you will become a Black Phantom, remember, if you are defeated as a Black Phantom, you will come to back to your world.
And the Living Player (the player you need to kill) he can summon or add to 2 Phantoms or buddies to assist him.
That is, 3 Players against the Black Phantom.
The objective of the Black Phantom is to kill the Living Player, not the Phantoms (but also you can kill them, depends the situation).
Red eye Stone (Challenge):
Players can be summoned into another player's world to duel them for souls.
This stone works much like Blue Eye stone, except they create a Red Soul Sign in living player's worlds, wich will summon the player who created the Red Soul Sign as a Black Phantom, Players can use the Red Eyes Stones while living, but upon being summoned, they will change into soul form. The defeated player will lose a Soul level, while the winning player will earn a Souls that were traded to reach the soul level
I am far to beat this game. I don't know what kind of Weapons, places, demons, monsters are waiting for me.
But I recommend you this game.
And have a lot of patience, because there is no Checkpoint.