QUICK REVIEW: Demon's Souls combines crushing difficulty with innovative fun.
GAMEPLAY: 9.25 out of 10 - Demon's Souls has quite nice gameplay, which reminds me of playing Oblivion in third person mode. It comes with an difficulty that just seems evil, but keeps the challenge in the game and adds realism. If you're a hardcore gamer, you can handle it. Dieing will bite you in the butt later one, though, because you'll lose your newly aquired souls and you'll have to go back to the Nexus. The greatest thing about the gameplay: the online features. The features are brilliant and innovative. You can see other people playing to see what they're doing, and you can touch a bloodstain to see how someone died to give you a warning. You can also leave messages for players and read theres to help provide tips. This makes the difficulty a lot more fair.
STORY: 7.75/10 - It's the kind of story you would expect, but not bad at all. It tells you why you're doing what you are and explains the past that has turned the world into what it is in the game.
GRAPHICS: 9.5 out of 10 - This game is beautiful. Gameplay graphics are superb. It's hard to describe the custscene sequence at the beginning (which frankly is the only cutscene I've seen). It's just jaw dropping.
ENJOYMENT: 9.5 out of 10 - Read the rest of the review and you'll understand.
OVERALL: 9 out of 10 - I'd recommend this for anyone who doesn't mind a challenge. Specifically, I'd recommend this to fans of Bethesda's "The Elder Scrolls" series.