The first review covers a lot of the details. I only want to add that unlike other action-RPG such as Diablo and Titan Quest, in DoP the action doesn't stop when you get back to town. No the adventuring and collecting you do out in the wild simply provides you with the tools to fight the real battle, which is for control of your village. Fortunately you can conduct much of the strategy-side while paused. While I must admit the gameplay is quite addictive the graphics are at least a generation behind the times. So if you can overlook the lack of flash, The innovative twist on a classic crowd pleaser can provide hours of fun. With up to date graphics and some flashy sound maybe even a multi-player option this would easily be a 9. This is going to be one of those love it or hate it games. Try the demo, you may be in the love it crowd.
I stumbled over this game not long ago and thought I would give it a try. Ever since I have been addicted. It should be said first that it is a small game project and that it is not up-to-date with graphics and the like... Read Full Review
I don't usually enjoy RPGs like Depths of Peril. These Diablo-esque action RPGs, with their endless supply of random dungeons, random monsters, and random loot just don't appeal to me. Scouring dungeons for slightly bett... Read Full Review