I wanted to love this game because I was a huge fan of multiplayer Descent 2 over Kali. So I basically wanted descent 3 for its multiplayer aspect, but it let us down in more ways then one. This game tried to be a better multiplayer game then the original Descent 2. Descent really is a niche game for the hardcore multiplayer gamers really. They dont make games like descent any more, although you control a space ship, its more like a first person shooter except you can move in every direction. But this is what makes the game extremely complicated and frustrating for anyone that doesn't have the reflexes and dexterity to navigate and fly around in full 3D. I found the descent franchise way way back in the old days and used to play it religiously over the internet before games had native internet support. It was in almost the pre first person shooter days, in the days of DOOM and DOOM II an Duke nukem 3D. We used an IPX and server browser (before it was a server browser) called Kali to play games like Descent, Doom, Duke nukem 3D and Warcraft 2 over the net. Descent 2 was one of the most fun multiplayer games if you gave it a chance to get into it and become skilled at it. But in number three they lost the magic, not to mention the single player game leaves a lot to be desired. Descent 3 is not a good single player game, it's barely passable. And it is very difficulty to nagivate in a truly 360 degrees of freedom 3D game. People think first person shooters are "3D" games, but try playing descent 3 online if you are bored of your standard first person shooters. It's remarkable that there are even reviews for this game since it is now in the bargain bins since it is almost 5 years old now. It's an ok game to pickup and play but its nothing like modern single player games for the PC or consoles. Descent is a game designed for multiplayer for its hardcore fans, and for that it payed a price and bombed financially. They forgot to make the game fun in single player. If you dont go in with high expectations and get it in the bargain bin, it's not a bad game. If you dont mind running around 3D maze like environments, gathering keys to open doors and shooting challenging robots. Then pick it up. If you want to have a totally different multiplayer experience that is different from first person shooters, then try out Descent 3 and look for fan made upgrades to Descent 2 on the internet.
When you first start a game of Descent, the first thing that pops in to your head is: "What the...? How am I supposed to fly this thing?" Ten seconds later, before you even see an enemy, everything is clear: THIS GAM... Read Full Review
GOOD: Massive, creative level design; the most creative enemies and weapons of any game; engaging multiplayer; long single player campaign; distinctive and awesome sounds BAD: No storyline; campaign becomes too difficul... Read Full Review