Desert Rats V DAK - The RTS Buff's Lowdown.

User Rating: 8.2 | Desert Rats vs. Afrika Corps PC
The Main problems with any RTS games (Real Time Stratergy) are what I like to call "Overkill" "Underkill" And Simply "BTDT"

Being a die hard RTS gamer for many years I've had the pleasure of some excellent gaming expeirences, and DR V DAK has provided much enjoyment for me since I bought it.

Just so you know.

"Overkill" Menaing far too much in the game making it a plain nuisence to play at times. Such games incluse Perimiter and Tomb Raider Legend (yes not an RTS game) disagree if you will, but Tomb Raider has lost it's Tomb Raiding aspect and the enjoyment of exploring strange places. You want to raid Milletery bases and dodge laser trip wires play Tom Clances Splitner Cell.

"Underkill" Obvious, not enough into the game.

"BTDT" Been there done that. Didn't I see this in C&C or what ever.

Anyway, enough rambaling on with the review.

Desert Rats Vs Dutch Afrika Corps emplys a truly beutiful standard of gaming, the detail is superb and the sound effects are nearly spot on however in the Gamespot review, I would agree that the voice over accents are somewhat poor.

The Gameplay is fairly easy to get used to, micro management is not diffacult once you get used to it. If your used to mico management in other RTS games, then this will be a dodle as it was for me.

If you a patient gamer and don't just want to dive into the combat then great, if however you just want to dive right into a blood fest then this game is NOT for you so don't bother buying it as you will get irritated by the game play style.

Being a player who likes to take his time, plan things carefuly and deploy and position appropiate units in equally appropiate places I found this game a true joy to play.

Such examples are carefully killing vehcale crews, securing the unocupied unit, then driving to a save position. Evan If I don't use the unit in the actual battle I still go out and try to get it. In one Single player allied mission I actualy had a line of 20 or so trucks and light vehicles behind my defence line. I found a great deal of satisfaction in securing so much hardware :)

However one disapointment is the lack of reinfocements in the game. You may end up with a shed loads of vehicles at your disposal, but only a few infantry units to drive them. On a plus side, you can just drop your infantry into the vehicles, so unlike Panzers Phase 1, you don't have to mess about with specialised tank crews. Now on to realism.

Some unrealistic factors in the actual method of fighting where seriously badly done. Infatry would just stand there geting shot by armour unless you order them to do otehrwise. In Company Of Heroes, my current RTS fad the infantry are very smart and get out of the way, plus use available cover automaticly. In DR however there is no such AI realism. Somehting out right stupid was you would end up with more of the enemy vehicles under your control than that of your own side. as capturing disables tanks and repairing them seemed the easiest way to proceed. My final campaigns consisted of Nearly all of the opposing sides units. Allthough I like capturing Tiger Tanks if playing as the Allies, then turning them against there former owners. It remains to be said that it's a little stupid. As for if you destroy a tanks turret, the crew automaticly abandon the vehicle, leaving a tank ready for repair. In WWII, they would never allow such vile lack of judgement. Do you realy think the Axis would be stupid enough to allow the capture of one of there Tigers?

The detail of the units and vehicles however is excellent, highly realistic and imence. however the lack of a weather aspect was a shame, and tanks fiaring and moving should kick up alot of dust. They don't! Sound effects are great, very acurate as I have personaly heard the sound of fiaring 88mm PzKw VI Tiger Turret and likewise that of the US M4 Sherman (however the American 75mm gun and british model Pdr76.2mm sound very different so you could say it's actualy an unrealistic sound?..anyway I'm just a boaring tech sod, it hardly matters). The impact damage sounds are somewhat...plastic. nearly always the same, and sometimes not very realistic. like the sound of dropping a spoon in a bathtub trying to sound like dropping a stone..different. But overall good sound.

The amount of vehicles available isn't atall bad. theres something for everything there. I personaly would love to see the care put into picking appropiate units placed into other games. Company Of heroes for example could have a great expantion adding Brittish and Russian units. in CoH, you can use the allied M26 Pershing tank, would be great to see that fighting allongside a Brittish Churchill. We live in hope :) I was disapointed that there was no German Panther tank in this game, however to my knowlage the Panther was never used in the Afrika Corps. but still, would have been nice.

Onto multiplayer, Once the Single Player is done, thats it realy, there are no custom scenarios, no map editors to make your own campaigns, and tragicly theres no skirmish mode. so you can eithe rplay the single player again, or shelf it for a while. As for there is NO multiplayer aspect. yes the feature was put in, but no body ever playes it and unless it's been since fixed hosting a game was a privalage so few players enjoyed. So evan if there where players online, there would be a wrestle to get into the few games available.

So what do I think of the game? I think it's a brilliant In depth dream for a pure RTS player, good units, good Single player missions and great graphics.

Seen as I never include Multiplayer aspects in my rating, I have given it 8.2 / 10. a good score for a great play.

Thanks for reading, and I appolagise for rambaling on at times, and any bad spelling.

- Kane Taylor

If you want to try organise a multiplayer match, want to talk about the game, the review or anything realy, feel free to contact me. I do have msn also on the email below. Thanks again and enjoy the game.
