A beautiful adventure game with an immersive feeling and some tricky puzzles.

User Rating: 8 | Destination: Treasure Island PC
I got this game for about a buck at a thrift shop. Very well spent dollar! I'm a huge fan of tropical-pirate type things, and this game gave me just that. It's a pretty simple game, and nothing revolutionary. It's a point and click adventure, meaning you will use your mind and not reflexes. As a point and click game, it isn't perticularly exciting, but it's very nice to play when you don't feel like racing the clock or fighting intensely. The great visuals and nice sound effects are very relaxing, making an enjoyable experience!

+Beautiful 3D scenery, with some moving decoratives to give life to the island.
+Interesting inventory, which not only involves collecting items but mixing them too.
+Relaxed, straight-forward gameply. No need to worry about mistakes and monsters, you can play at your own pace.

-The voice acting is annoying, perticularly the main character who sounds like an irishman on crack. I just turn the voices off and it feels nice and retro.
-Sometimes you are left with no idea what to do, and you end up trying every single thing you can until something works.

All in all, I wouldn't have paid the 30 dollar price tag on the box, but keep your eye out for this one at a good price. If you like tropical islands and/or point and clicks, you have to buy this game.