For Context, I have been playing Destiny since the "Beta" (realistically it was a demo) July 17, 2014 and pre-ordered the White PlayStation 4 edition September 9 2014 and I have played all of the DLC and have about 480 hours time played with all the classes at rank 400 with all of the Raid gear and all of the trials gear / Emblems. Currently with Destiny 2, I have multiple raid completions and 59 hours played with all three classes currently at 305 with 188 items in my vault at level 300+
Destiny 2 is fundamentally and mechanically the exact same as it's previous title after the Taken King DLC. This is not a bad thing since this would be a great opportunity for Bungie to focus on the story and lore of the Destiny Universe we've all been asking for, for 3 years now.
The Story/Lore
The story starts off strong with the Cabal invading the Tower and blowing it up and taking your light making you mortal again. However after Tutorial stuff that is the opening bits, the first real quest you go on, you get your light back which immediately ruins the story, you don't feel the helplessness for very long, nor do you really feel or see the struggle of everyone else within the universe. They didn't do much to really implement you into the story to the point where your guardian no longer speaks, leaving you feeling even less invested into the story itself. Sure there are alot of Cut scenes (in fact 2 hours worth) but they are just kind of... there.
When Bungie announced that grimoire would be no more I thought "Excellent, now I get to find out more about the races and factions and overall learn more about the Destiny Universe I've been craving." However the lore within Destiny 2 is far and very few between limited to some scan able objects spread out through out the individual areas you can visit and some faction gear (excluding the Iron Banner). I still can't tell you who the vendors are. Bungie only told me one thing about them in two sentences or less. I know the cabal weigh 400 pounds and are highly militarized and blow up planets for being in the way? I honestly barely know anything about the Destiny Universe and no I will not and have not read or watched videos about the Grimoire. If it is not in the game, it is not apart of the game.
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