My family are avid gamers and fell in love with the original. So when Destiny 2 was announced we had to buy it. Big mistake. Everything that we loved about Destiny has been dumbed down. Strikes you must now have friends to complete; which is good for those who enjoy playing with people. Not so much for those of us who enjoy playing true solo games. Or simply not wanting to be live with people. A NPC otion could be added for those of us who will never see the trials of Osiris because of this.
The weapons are better as is the armor that is the only reason I even score this as a 1.
Story line is much too easy and be completed in less then a week. Events are now tracked on screen instead of where in the original you were either surprised at the location or what event was coming. The story icons that say "hay you need have a mission here" are vastly confusing and need a complete revamp back to the original Destiny.
So in recap: Weapons and armor great. Graphics good. Game play SUCKS. IF Bungie would offer a refund for the digital copy I would happily take it.