Unlike Destiny 1, this installment offers little innovation. There´s a basic model here that was implemented on all expansions, on every stage of Destiny 2 to date:
1) Make a great introductory mission, get players hooked.
2) Make a few updates
3) Copy and paste activities and missions.
From the start this game had no soul, no love at all.
Really different experience from Destiny 1. Played the demo, it sucked but the introductory mission was great. Thought to myself "Well, D1 was great, let´s give it a chance".
Wrong decision! Not going to lie, it has some good moments and pvp is still fun. Some strikes and raids are fun as well, that´s why it has the score it has, but wow...it´s years behind the first one in the fun factor.
If I have to congratulate Bungie in any area, that would be in the marketing department. EXCELLENT trailers.
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