I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I told myself after playing the Beta that I would wait until the reviews came out before buying this game. But with so little out right now, and with even less on the horizon, I thought "why not?"
Anyone who's played the story all the way through could tell you "why not" so I'll save the trouble of explaining it here, but made short - it's incomplete. And the fact that they expect you to continuously buy DLC to expand upon the story is just ridiculous.
The one thing I enjoy most about Destiny, is that I can play with friends (as long as I don't have more than 2, unless we're going to attempt a Raid) and I don't mind the farming for upgrade materials too much (inner most nerd coming out, here). But I'm fairly confident that when the next "big thing" in games comes out, I'm going to wait a little while before I jump on it. You might say it was my "destiny" to learn my lesson?.................