Congratulations Activision you killed Bungie.

User Rating: 6 | Destiny PS4

Story:Oh boy is this even worth mentioning? I guess... So basically you are revived some how by something known as the traveler an explanation of what the traveler is and why it revives you and many other questions would be nice but all you are told is that you are revived by it. Basically the whole plot from here can be explained as you need to bring the earth back to what it once was and stop four classes of aliens from taking over, this is basically the main plot of the game, and while the game does try to stray from the plot with certain parts that could actually lead up to something, the game doesn't do this. Why? You know why because It's F$%ing DLC! And when you play the game after these parts you will ask yourself what happened to these people? Or even that area in general but they mean nothing because you never go back to them, and their not even mentioned. The story lets be honest doesn't take itself seriously and it is what everybody says it is garbage!

Presentation: This is one thing Destiny gets perfectly right, While it would have been nice to explore more planets, the planets that are their look outstanding and I would even go as far as to say one of best looking games yet. The characters in the game aren't very memorable there is obviously you, and you don't talk a lot, and then theirs your ghost which is voiced by Peter Dinklage, and while some people didn't care for him he was the only memorable thing in the game for me, and I think he did a good job dubbing the ghost, other then that there is nothing memorable when it comes to people you meet in the game. The soundtrack is amazing theirs not a whole lot I can say but Bungie always kills it in this department. The presentation is done well for the most part.

Game play: Destiny is an MMO at least that's what they consider it to be it's not very massive, but oh well, Destiny plays like an rpg shooter, you level up like a normal shooter, and not only that but you collect weapons and armor that make you get stronger well how do you get weapons and armor? By a random f$%king generator! I kid you not they got a random generator in this game you just have to get lucky to get the stuff you want, that's fair! Especially when you play Raids for a long time, get the best score on your team and don't get the armor you want, I can't believe this s#$t! You can just farm it by killing the same spawning enemy's but where is the fun in that? While it's a piss off to get good gear most of the missions are fun to play, for some reason even though this game is a mess it is addicting and is fun to play, the missions do repeat over and over again with the same repetitive situations, but for some reason I really had fun with just playing even though they were the same tasks over and over again. Destiny does have planets that are fun to explore, but like I said it gets old doing pretty much the same missions over and over again, which is a shame because these planets really do have a lot of depth to them. The boss battles are really great, sure all it is is a shoot fest but its still fun to play and the designs to the bosses are really cool, yeah they do take literally forever, but fighting as a team can be a lot of fun. One huge reason people got angry with this game and I would definitely not put a lot of time in this game is trying to get legendary gear, since as I mentioned above everything is done by a random generator it's almost impossible to get, and if you are lucky to get some and it's a weapon you don't want you can't trade it! Are you serious! This is why destiny is broken, and I don't mean broken meaning the game doesn't work I mean broken because it's system doesn't work and the worst part about it is that both Bungie and Activision know about this and they won't do anything about it! Geez! Care about your game when you are hearing people getting frustrated with your game, fix it stop being greedy bast#$ds! This is really all this games about sure there are little other things you can do but the main way of getting good at Destiny is to get good armor and that's really hard to do for all the wrong reasons. The game play is broken and not in the way you can't play the game but as I mentioned the system is absolute garbage and needs to be put out of it's misery, the game play can be fun even though it is repetitive but the game play is a mixed bag, some is good and some is really bad.

Overall Destiny is not perfect, and while this game drives me absolutely crazy sometimes I would be lying if I said I didn't have much fun with it, the game is worth getting if your not looking to play competitively and just want to have a fun time playing, and even then I would recommend at least waiting till it drops to thirty dollars.