Gazillion of dollars/euros/pounds wasted

User Rating: 2 | Destiny PS3

First of all let me tell you I've played, which is a vague term considering you actually have to "grind" your way in this game... Anyway I've played this game on PS3 with a FREE TRIAL... Yes the game is so bad, actually THAT bad that they've decided to hand out "free trials" so that maybe you try the game and somehow be convinced that the game is worth its price tag. I've decided to give it a go since it's free and all, and other than the PVP the game is available...

Well by game I mean the utter, worthless, mind numbing, brain piercing shooting thingy... The game is so bland and boring, they've decided to move out the lore to their web site bungie dot net I suppose, which is another marketing trick probably to get more hits on their web site, to be honest I would give you an in depth review but there is absolutely NOTHING in depth here so here it goes:

Graphics are meh at best but since it's on ps3 I'll overlook that. But I have to add with that budget they should have provided better graphics for outdated consoles anyway since I think my kettle roughly provides the similar graphics output.

Gameplay mechanics are pretty simple, you run, ride a bike, shoot, jump, collect stuff and guess what... Shoot more... also go to shops buy things go out shoot more.

The atmosphere is kinda... only slightly... interesting... however it gets boring in a flash since you are sent to the same places again and again :) I thought Russia was the largest country in the world, for a country that big we could get more map variety maybe? :)

Story, I'm sorry what? What story? There is one? Oh but of course, there is one "thing" that uses proxy to communicate and wants you to kill aliens :) so that we will be saved... somehow... to be honest I have absolutely no idea what the story is... I'm sure there is something somewhere... Oh I know! go over and look at bungie dot net! or com... dunno... the game is so awesome that it requires a seperate internet site for its glorious(!) story!.

AI is... AI... they actually do a decent...ish job ganging up on you but that's pretty much it... Not too bright, not too smart, oh and if you can catch them in cover they sometimes stop reacting and become punching bags :)

The missions can be done with friends but let's face it there are many... actually GAZILLIONS of good MMOs that deliver this perfectly so this is far from being a plus for this game.

So is there anything good? umm... no... actually not a single thing in this game is new, revolutionary or innovative, maybe... MAYBE... PVP might provide a slight distraction since trial accounts are not eligible for PVP, but I seriously doubt that it will provide anything worthwile...

And on top of that they issue a season pass??? Really??? With that budget they want YOU TO PAY MORE so that they can provide more???? Really??? Is this a game or a kick start project??? Actually ignore kickstart remark, I am utterly sorry to name kickstart with Destiny in the same sentence since kick start projects actually Kick A** (Divinity Origins, Wasteland 2, upcoming Planescape game) and on top of that they will issue DLCs for more content???? Really??? Did you spend all your budget on strippers in Vegas or something??? and you actually NEED more money so this game becomes DECENT??? Do you know why they want more money? Because they also know what they did provide as a "game" is not good enough so they want you to fork out more so that they can get away with it when they go bankrupt! like con artists, they want to rip you off.

In the final analysis, the game does not deserve its title, its budget, its price tag. I'd say (if you read this in time of course) go out and try the free account and save your character because in a year or so they will either go bankrupt and close all servers or become a free pay to win game, so you can play free and have some fun... cause let's face it shooting aliens in the face is fun, but it's not fun enough to fork out 50 bucks or 60 euros or whatever... EVEN if it is pay once... there are much much better alternatives to this game, Planetside 2, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, even DayZ, it's price tag is less than this "game" and it's probably more fun...