When the creators of Halo said they were investing 1 billion dollars in a Halo based videogame, there was a lot of hype.
So it is sad that I have to rate this 1/10. I had such high hopes for this game. But it lied to steal our money. It's a pretty big thing to miss that 1 billion dollars is going to the Destiny series, not the game. By announcing this, suddenly it was the biggest budget game in history. That attracted a LOT of customers. Did Bungie intentionally trick us? Perhaps not. But they tricked us nonetheless. We were looking for a revolutionary game with tonnes of gameplay. Instead we got... Destiny. A game which is so average in every way, a game with graphics that barely beat Minecraft, a game with one minute fraction of the gameplay. It had less gameplay than normal games even. Bungie simply ripped me off. Am I still getting Halo 5? Probably. But Bungie has lost my trust. And Destiny is quite simply a multi-player game. A pretty average one at that. And outside of local multiplayer, multiplayer is not enough to make a decent game. With local multi player comes socializing, with local multi player comes laughter. With the type of multi-player Destiny offers, you get to stare at a screen trying to kill other players. Average multi player alone cannot make a good game. And that's all Destiny offers.