I must admit I was under whelmed when Destiny first came out. While the graphics were stunning (coming from the Bungie stable, why wouldn't they be), the game play, like the environment, soon became repetitive. I stumbled along up to around level 20 then left to search for more exciting games. Then The Taken King arrived! It's like Halo married Borderlands while still having an affair with Wolfenstein. My initial rating of 7 for Destiny has leapt to a 10 with this effort. It's reinvigorated the franchise and given it a new lease of life. I actually believe they might achieve their goal of a 10 year game. While the level cap is currently 40 you still have a near limitless array of upgrade options, weapons, costumes, and gadgets. The new maps are awesome, the graphics have actually improved (from brilliant to amazing), and the online community keeps you hooked. Team play isn't just about blowing the opposition to pieces in the fastest possible way - it's about strategy. Even the opposing AI adapts and learns. This is going to be a great decade for Destiny players!
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