Oi, im gunna probe ur anal!!!
Destroy all humans 2 features more cities in different countries, more weapons, a better story, better saucer oh yeah, and a better upgrading system.
The saucer: loads of improvements, has stealth, heals by using cars, abducts people, transmogs cars'n'stuff for more ammo!!!!!!
PK is better, you can hold humans in the air forever (or until death), brains have a better use, MIND FLASH ohh scary. PK'ing is great, body snatching humans and getting caught is a big no-no, so why not use a little mind flash? oh not enogfh brains, how about FREE LOVE yes humans go crazy and dance wih some nice hippy flowers and music, and forget about you!!!!
THE dicsolator helps kill tanks, and if not used properly meteor strike kills you!!!! BUY THIS GAME, or at least rent it for a few years!! got it on 19 feb 2007 for b-day, and im luvin it but only got to russia on it : (