This game is something that is sci-fi, but instead of feeling good to feel good, it's good to be bad and evil.
User Rating: 9.8 | Destroy All Humans! PS2
This game is something that some have been waiting for, instead being nice and good killing those pesky aliens who want to take over the world, you play things differently. Your the alien, you got alien weaponory, and do as they game tells and destroy all humans, then start over and destroy them again LOL. The game is awesome and for the money to get it as brings that old 50's to 60's feel as you play though the levels with the good guys always getting new toys to try to kill you, but you always get new toys as well. Your on the ground and using a flying saucer as your ways of pain and punishment, and plus besides the great fun, it also some dose of comedy as play an alien that has the talking of Jack Nickelson which is a plus. So go out and buy this game or you may be next that aliens will want.