In My Opinion; A Must Have
Gameplay- 10
The aim of the game is to take over Planet Earth, so the Furon Empire can continue to survive. You do this by harvesting human brains, you can do this by using Crypto's power of telekinesis, or by using an Anal Probe, to blast the brain straight out of the human's head. It's strange, but it works well.
The game's missions are also just as madcap, they range from destroying a field of nuclear cows, to murdering the President of the United State of America.
With every other alien game, you are the human doing battle against the alien invader, this time, it's the other way round. You are seeking revenge against the Human Race after they kill your 'father' Crypto 136.
Summary: Brilliant, and a great idea that should be developed further if there is a sequel.
Controls- 10
Nothing much to say here, really. The controls work well and are very easy to pick up.
Summary: Very good.
Graphics- 7.5
The Game's only real problem point is the graphics, on the whole, they deal well, but sometimes they are rather simplistibackgroundc especially the , however; the flying saucer is crafted brilliantly, and looks the part with lights flashing on it all the time.
Summary: The graphics hold up well for the most part, but fut fail sometimes. However, games are not about graphics, and this game's brilliantgameplay make up for it.
Characters: 9.5
Crypto is a side, and all around nasty little grey man, but you don't ever feel anything but god feelings towards him, as he's an endearing little guy.
Pox is the same, he's nasty, but you're always on his side.
Silhouette, the main 'bad guy' of the game is a nasty piece of work, even though you should feel sorry for them, you never do, as the writers have given them a nasty storyline.
Summary: Brilliant, a pick and mix that works perfectly.
Script: 10
This is quite simply THE funniest game that I have played EVER. The script has been lovingly put together, and brings out the best in all the characters. It is also suited perfectly for the 1950s setting, with fun being made out of everything and anything.
Summary: Laugh-a-minute, brilliant and well worked on
Story: 10
You are Cryptosporidium 137, a Furon alien sent to find out what happened to your predecessor Crypto 136, and, as the title of the game says Destroy All Humans! The game takes you all over the United States of the 1950s, from redneck town Rockwell, to Suburban Santa Modesta, and to the sprawling Capitol City.
The story has one gigantic twist, which most people cannot see coming, the story is funny, and well suited to the game. It is original,
and well planned, just like every other part of this game, it also leaves room for a sequel.
Summary: Brilliant, the cherry on top of the cake, there are some great creative minds at Pandemic, and this game's storyline shows it.
All in all, a brilliant game, it is also very underrated, and you should be able to pick it up cheap somewhere.
funny, imaginative, and open-ended, this game has it all, and then a bit. Therefore earning it a deserved, nine out of ten.