The atmosphere makes this game a very unique one
Gameplay-You play as a little brat alien who has short patience. You are sent to earth to collect DNA for the survival of your species. Since that DNA is found in humans, you have to get their brains and essentially kill a lot of humans. You only have 4 land weapons and 4 arial weapons in your saucer but they are all different and fun to use. They are upgradeable which makes them a little more fun to use. But whats even cooler are your alien abilities. You can make objects float and throw them around. You can make people sleep and even dance like monkeys. This is really funny to watch. Their are 6 levels if i can remember. Some are towns and others are in the middle of the desert in Area 51. They are all really different and relatively large. You can destroy cars and people on land and even buildings in your saucer. The gameplay is pretty simple but very fun to play and try out. The 50's atmosphere is great.
Graphics-The graphics are very pretty in this game. Lighting is well done and things really look full and rich. But there are A LOT of pop-ups and your vision distance is really short. People look ok and so do explosions. Environments are really well done (especially Union Town)
Sound-This game actually made me laugh. Some of the things the people say are halarious. It is mostly jokes about the 50's. The music is just as good with a lot of corny alien movie music. Crytos voice is really overdone but not in a bad way. The gun noises are a little bland though. Everything is and sounds 50's. I love it.
Value-The campaign is only about 6 hours long. You can play it through again for little bonuses and for money to upgrade yourself. Since the gameplay is so simple, this may seem a burden though. Could have been a lot longer.
The atmosphere is what really makes this game. I was a little disappointed when I got this game but the jokes made me lighten up and have fun. Definatly worth a rental.