When I started Destory All Humans the humor and setting of the game was very fun and appropriate. I wasn't too fond of the Game control scheme and gameplay, but thought I could overlook that if the game was fun. I was really wrong. Towards the end of the game the missions get extremely repetitive and unforgivingly hard. Get used to playing 25 minute missions that you will kill you at minute 20 causing you to start over from the begining of the mission. I have wasted hours on this game before I stopped and thought to myself, is this even fun? No, its not. Destroy All Humans has some good ideas, and could have been great but It just seems unpolished, untested, overrated, and extremely disappointing.
Ah America circa 1957, land of mom's apple pie, commies under the bed, and government sponsered propaganda on everything from your taste in fashin to what to do when a Nuke explodes right over your head. There was even a... Read Full Review
By asassinmario | Review Date: Oct 12, 2006 | XBOX
I love it. Sucking out brains killing our kind it is really fun!!!!! I love being an alien!!!!!!!!! It is a really great game to play. You play as a species called furons. One furon crash lands at a distant planet far fr... Read Full Review