Weither it's killing humans, poping heads, or flying your saucer, this game will be frightfully good.
Gameplay: Shooting the inocent, killing the army, and picking up cars with mind powers never sems to get old. The controls are tight, but unfortanetly, there is no multiplayer. The wepons are a bit limeted, but your mind powers are cool. The people are also sometimes annoyingly stupid, you can dump a dead corpse in front of their face, and they won't care. Your sauser also can't aim at anything but the ground. They sould have added some areal fighting.
Graphics:Not so great. Back then they looked awsome, but today they are pretty muddy.
Replay value: You will ALWAYS want to go back to Santa Modesta, or Rockwell or somewhere to kill the meatbags, and pop their heads.
Conclusion: If you want to kill the humans, pick up cars, and unleash massive destruction with a flying saucer, get this game.