A game that maybe only the deepest of fans can love.
DAH:BWU, starts off a little ways after DAH:2, Crytpo our fun death loving and violent little alien has been enjoying the limited 'boob tube' events. When Pox the leader of Furon invading forces informs Crytpo it is once again time to go forth and destroy all humans!
Positvely for the game it does just that, you are supplied with many weapons and abilities suited to simply take out the pesky humans i your path. This is something the series has always done well, with the variation in weapons such as the zombie gun ( where you tunr people into brain eating machines of doom) to the basic zap gun (lightning in a can). You truly do get the sense of being a superior being as you mow down the populaces no matter your weapon of choice.
Aswell as new weapons the new choce between your saucer and A giant fastfood symbol mech certainetly adds to the fun. There is nothing quite like the great taste of burning down buildings with your saucer or vomiting to kill civilians with the mech. Of course one of the games largest issues comes from these vechiles.
The issue comes from the controls, tilting the wii remote to turn from side to side and moving up and down through space with the saucer is just too difficult to fully master if ever master. The Mech handles a bit better but deals with the issues of wii remote pointer to aim attacks, and the same tilt action to turn the camera. After a while you simply dont want to use the vechiles and try to do everytihng you can on foot.
Control issues dont just effect the game with the vechiles, the siple task of walking is hindered by the fact you have to point the wii mote to turn your veiw around and aim crytpo's line of sight. for attacking and shooting humans it works fine, but in moments where split second timing, and turning, is needed one will quickly find that the slow wii mote pan is simply not enough. And I garuntee both vehicle and simply walking for the first while are a pain, but can you can get around it eventually.
Once controls are out of the way and your doing well getting around the game turns out to be a pretty good time. Nothing really exciting or particulary different from any of the previous titles but for something similar it turns out pretty good.
For gamers i recomend if you love the series and can deal with a few annoying control blips, and a slightly dumbed down story line this is an okay filler for the series. Although after logging in enough time to finish the single player and all unlocks, aswell as some quick fun multiplayer I have to say deep fans of the series or those looking to get into it this is not the place to start, but if you want a backstory lead up to the upcoming PS3 and Xbox360 title and continuation i recomend this for a little component nothing much more.