One of my favorite games on ps1.
ok, I admit, this game has ugly graphics. But everything looks rough, hard and tuff. What gives a good atmosphere to get a good violent race game. The cars are maybe a bit disappointing, because all the cars have the same design, and some have strange colors. There is even a pink one. Why not choose black? That is a good color, but no. There is only a White/red, grey/purple and a yellow/purple one to chose.
When cars crash into each other you just see some triangles come out of the car, in the same color of the car, not that there are just some random triangles over your screen. For example you hit a yellow car in the back right, you will see some yellow triangles come out of the back right. Ok, this sounds boring. But is very cool, when you are in a race and you see 5 cars slam 1 car in the middle because the road is getting smaller, and you see stuff falling everywhere. You get the feeling of being in a race war.
(like here, this is a good example )
Also like you can see in that screenshot, when you get hit in the front, the cap of the car will be gone. You wheels can go off. For that time (i think 1996?) it is very realistic. Also your can get on fire, and then it is "game over" ='( . Nothing is cooler then crashing into another car and see that he gets on fire.
Not all the tracks are that good, some are really stupid. Like the first one that is just driving in a circle, and the last one. The last one is maybe the most spectacular one, but not that cool to drive in. All the other tracks are just fun. The whole time crashing into each other, trying to be the first. And when you are finally the first, you are happy. It is very satisfying to be the first.
The arena's are just... arena's. Not much difference between them. They are just a sort of death match last ones standing.
The sound of the engines of the cars are cool. It's like a war machine. And in the beginning of a race, it's like they are all getting prepared for battle. I really like the beginning of a race, when they show all those cars making noise.
The other sounds are a bit old school. Bad and not that realistic. But still cool, and they don't are disturbing.
When you hear the announcer, the presenter or how must I call it. It is just funny. He tries to be cool. Like the one in the hot wheels publicity.
The music is awesome. The soundtrack of this game is one of the best ever. Metal! No other music is better for a game like this, and the heavy music is good for the game play and the feeling. It is really cool. I think the burnout series also must have metal as soundtrack, not punk rock.
Conclusion: GET THIS!