A true addition to the Deus Ex Series and might just be the best.

User Rating: 9.5 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC
Deus Ex has been a long-time favourite game of mine and I was very excited about a new game that sets the stage for the original Deus Ex game. I am writing this review from the POV of a Deus Ex fan and hence I do believe this review to be a fair opinion because of the high standards I was expecting.

Graphics :7/10
Story: 8.5/10

Overall : 9.5/10

Although this game doesn't boast to have the latest and the best tech in graphics department it has been panned out well enough to immerse you into the game. There is the problem of repeating textures every now and then but that is completely overshadowed in the game because of its other strong points. All in all it has good and very well balanced graphics which do not bring most systems down to their knees.

Although graphics try to take the front seat in a good looking game here the art just outshines it by a mile. The theme, the colour scheme, the overall scenery just sets the mood right for a game depicting a cyberpunk dystopia with an uncertain future. The cut scenes are rendered and directed well and the overall atmosphere just sucks you in.

Anyone who has played Deus Ex before will find the storyline in synch with its predecessor highs and lows. What the new game really lacks is failing to make players feel the impact of their choices. While the choices themselves are well thought out, there is hardly and noticeable changes due to your choices.
This is one thing I hoping to see change in the future.

Awesome! That is quite frankly all I can say. It blends with the art so smoothly that at times you will just forget it is there as it slowly works its way and drags you into the world.

The gameplay is surprisingly good and although repetitive at times, the repetion is well spaced enough to keep you playing. The animation is smooth and the interactions with the world are quite well implemented.

The only major complaint I have is that there are no Mod tools. (At least currently)
Other than that it is a solid buy.