One of the few cases where a prequel can be better than the originals. Eidos has certainly made a very masterful game.
For those of you who played the first Deus Ex game you might know the world and story this installment is set in, but what is brilliant about Human Revolution is that it's sets itself in an already established world and yet looks and feels like a completely different and separate game. Anyway the story is about former police detective Adam Jensen who is working for an "augmentation" company when an incident occurs which results in his lover, Megan Reed, getting kidnapped and it's up to him to find out what the f**k is going on. The story is a bit complicated until near the end and I can't say any more for the risk of spoilers but if you complete the main story watch and don't skip the credits as there's a big surprise at the end and a remix version of the original Deus Ex theme tune.
The gameplay is one of the largest and the most engaging I've ever seen in a game this year. With abilities to customize your weapons and purchase augmentations that can change the way you play in huge ways like the Icarus system which saves you from falling to your death or mechanical lungs so you can breath toxic chemicals. However there some hitches that must be surfaced like the hacking as it can get very tedious on most occasions. And of all the weapons you can have in your inventory the pistol seems to be the most effective as, when you upgrade it a couple of times, it can suffer from the infamous "Halo effect" meaning it can be the best and only gun you can use through the whole game.
But this is a game that is totally worth every coin you spend on and it has a ton of replay value as you can try hard mode, what augs you can try different and finding alternative routes, all just to see what you can do differently from the first time you played.
In a game like this I have a huge faith in Eidos as they great games with fantastic stories combined with excellent variety in their franchises and I hope they will the same with the upcoming prequel to Tomb Raider next year as well as the new Hitman: Absolution
This was Big Daddy and I'll see you next time.