The graphics are mediocre, sound is mediocre with really bad voice actors and lipsink is way off. If that is not bad enough, the game is extremely buggy and runs horrible on even the most high end machines which is not due to taxing on the processor or graphics card, but bugs instead. Saves are even bugged where you go to save your game and it crashes to desktop during the saving process, which you loose your save at the same time. They didn't even add a quicksave and quickload hotkey which should be standard for any single player FPS or RPG which ever you look at Deus Ex as being. They should have never released a game as un-finished due to bugs as Deus Ex: Invisible War is. My suggestion, don't buy it for a few months till maybe they might get the bugs fixed, or don't buy it at all, your not missing much except for maybe a headache!
Deus Ex was one of those titles that nobody really expected. Released in 2000 by Ion Storm, a developer whose reputation was in shambles after the massive public failure known as Daikatana, Deus Ex provided a style of ga... Read Full Review
Alright, let's try and get this over with as softly and smoothly as possible. Although I regret having to say it, when you compare Invisible War to the brilliant original of Deus Ex, the follow-up frankly falls painfully... Read Full Review