An innovative game with many different aspects; But Sadly Very Short;
Gameplay 9: Very enjoyable after a while but may confuse some people as it looks like a first-person shooter which it is but has an amazing amount of role-playing and stealth which not all are used to. Controls are also very sharp
Graphics 9: Overall brilliant but tries to be perfect and isn't. No clipping but lip-synch is appauling.
Sound 7: Very good. Voices of characters are clear. No music except for the title screen (which is good but not as good as original) Weapon noises are nothing special.
Out-of-the-Ordinary 10: One of the best things about the game is that it's out-of-the-ordinary. The fact that you can choose different endings and complete different objectives gives you a lot more freedom than in most FPSs. Some of the conspiracy theories etc. also make it exceptionally unique.
Singleplayer 9: The whole game is singleplayer.
Multiplayer N/A: There is no multiplayer! A huge flaw, particularly these days.
Overall 9: It is a good game, not without it's flaws but nothing too wrong with it except for it's shortness although still longer than most games released these days.