An innovative game with many different aspects; But Sadly Very Short;

User Rating: 8.5 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
This is truly an excellent game with many different aspects. Dissapointing in some ways in that it is shorter than it's predecessor and has no multiplayer. You take command of a character Alex D (who can be male or female) and are almost instantly hurled into a world of conspiracy and lies. Using a mixture of role-playing, fighting and stealth you must uncover the plot and, in the end choose you own path. One of the few games I've come across where there are endings. Not good endings not bad endings, just endings. You have to choose which you think is right.

Gameplay 9: Very enjoyable after a while but may confuse some people as it looks like a first-person shooter which it is but has an amazing amount of role-playing and stealth which not all are used to. Controls are also very sharp

Graphics 9: Overall brilliant but tries to be perfect and isn't. No clipping but lip-synch is appauling.

Sound 7: Very good. Voices of characters are clear. No music except for the title screen (which is good but not as good as original) Weapon noises are nothing special.

Out-of-the-Ordinary 10: One of the best things about the game is that it's out-of-the-ordinary. The fact that you can choose different endings and complete different objectives gives you a lot more freedom than in most FPSs. Some of the conspiracy theories etc. also make it exceptionally unique.

Singleplayer 9: The whole game is singleplayer.

Multiplayer N/A: There is no multiplayer! A huge flaw, particularly these days.

Overall 9: It is a good game, not without it's flaws but nothing too wrong with it except for it's shortness although still longer than most games released these days.