This game is great but ... a little short for my liking.
Imagine being alone, chasing answers from your friends and foes, in fact, trust no one, that would be the advise, you are being played for a fool. Its up to you to decide whats the best route, violent or non-violent, negotiate or dont negotiate, cheat friends/enemies and so on. The storyline is much easier to follow after playing the first Deus Ex, otherwise you will be confused into who's who and who's what in Invisible War. With alternative endings, its your choice, in fact, its always been your choice to decide the future. There is a lot to talk about but this isnt the kind of game to sit and talk, its the game you always wanted to play but it bothers me that you cant keep on playing it all the time, the game is short.
This is only a minor down-point to the game, the real letdown has to be the multiplayer, it would be a bit of fun to play deathmatches on Xbox live. One thing I would say is bring on Deus Ex 3 but the problem is, having the same story basis will do no justice, it will infact, be boring, so much can be done to make the game so much open, open to more questions and answers. This is why I feel this is the end of the road, the game is one word - revolutionary but only for a short period of time.