Not as fun as the original, but still nice eye candy with some thrills.

User Rating: 8 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
I rushed out and bought this game and then had to spend another $250.00 for a new video card in order to play it. Expecting a game that would just blow me away, I happily installed Deus Ex: Invisible War and cleared my evening schedule. Fifteen minutes into the game I was kicking myself for having bought it. What can I say, I expected something ground breaking and what I got was something flawed and far from being ground breaking. Sure the graphics were nice, but heavily buggie. The patch helped, but it did not go far enough to fix a lot of the problems the game had. I found that I was bored stiff with the game and despite my best efforts, I could not get into it. I stopped playing the game for about six months then just to justify the expense of buying it, I started to play it again. WOW. I have to say my first impressions of the game were way off. This game turned out to be a very good game indeed. I cannot image why I hated it so when I first started playing, and I am thankful that I did not unistall it and toss the CD into the EBAY bin. I have to be honest, the game does have its flaws, bugs, and quirks, but otherwise it is a fun game if not short.