5 Years later I still play this game!
This game is 5 years old now, but it can still compete with modern games. The graphics are still great, just like the original Deus Ex was 8 years ago. On max settings it can still challenge my rig, even today. The openness of the environment and the freedom you have in this game is the big attraction for me. You don't have to follow a developers trail of bread crumbs all the way to the finish, like you do in most game.
The game play is awesome, you can interact with just about anything and anyone in this game. You core missions will center around 4 possible endings to the game. You can choose the fate of the world. Besides the core missions, you also have smaller objectives. I personally love these side missions, they make the game even more immersing. Though you can simply blow by them without doing anything, I would recommend to take your time and do everything possible at each location before moving on in the game. And for you work on the side objectives, you will almost always be rewarded with weapons, mods, or other useful things.
One let down in Invisible War is that the Bio Mods are basically useless. You can play the whole game without them. The only ones that really help you at all are the black market mods. So don't go wasting your mod slots with the first thing you find.
If you have not played either of the Deus Ex games before, then take the time to download the Demo now, I bet you will be headed out later tonight to buy the full game. I absolutely can't wait for the next installment of this series, I hope that they combine the best of both games. But for now, I'm going to delete my saved games and start the game over again... it's just that good.