Deus Ex: Augment your Review

User Rating: 7 | Deus Ex: Mankind Divided PC

Deus Ex: Mankind divided is a 3rd person actiona adventure game with stealth elements. For it's part, the story is extensive and interesting as your character Adam Jensen joins Taskforce 29, an Interpol-run anti-terrorism group while also acting as a double agent for the Juggernaut Collective.

For those that are new to the series, Eidos Montreal has created a 12-minute introduction that fills you in on the main story points from Deus Ex: Human Revolutions. The PC Port sports a fairly extensive options menu that only seems to be missing Colorblind options, which is a bit of a disappointment.

In addition to that, the game has PhysX jitter all over the place along with other graphical bugs. Random framerate drops from 60 down to 45-ish for no real reason. Also the lip-syncing is horrendous and the body motions are exceptionally wooden and fake looking during conversations.

The game sports the style of action-adventure gameplay that we’ve come to expect and for their part, Eidos Montreal did not fail to deliver with this installment of the Deus Ex Franchise. Their work with the PC port, while certainly not flawless, was actually fairly well done considering what we’ve come to expect with the Triple-A industry.

The Hacking Mini-game, though, I have to call Eidos to task on. It’s TERRIBLE! It relies on unmodifiable detection percentages and the countermeasures are pinpoint-frigging accurate. With no way to mitigate the percentages, you’re left with being forced to use expensive hacking modules or else deal with 20+ minutes battling the almighty RNGesus as you constantly reload from a quick-save in order to have the computer detect you on the first lvl 1 section, forcing you to back out and try again until you run through your 5 attempts and then have to reload until the random chance that you can do nothing about finally swings in your favor. Wash-rinse-repeat.

Also, in addition to the ultimate BS that Square Enix gave us with the “Augment your Preorder”, an idea that rightfully died being run over 200 times by a bulldozer and then a dump truck full of manure being justifiably heaped upon it’s mangled corpse by the understandably outraged fans, we have Microtransactions built into this solely single-player experience.

Now, I know that Eidos Montreal has said that the game was not balanced with microtransactions in mind and judging from the progression I’ve seen I would tend to agree with them, still the microtransaction system that was tacked on by Squeenix (ranging in price from $1-30) for entirely consumable purchases that are tied to a save file absolutely horrendous, greedy, and disgusting.

However, the game is a good deal of fun and even though I haven't completed the game yet, I look forward to many more hours with this title. The gameplay is tight, the control scheme intuitive and easy to handle for those that are new to the Deus Ex games and veterans alike, and the story is as rich as previous titles. Despite numerous minor flaws and it’s Publisher’s blatant greed, Eidos Montreal delivers a solid game that’s definitely worth your money.


- Extensive storyline

- Customizable upgrade paths

- In-Depth and interesting gameplay

- Excellent length of play

- Good (not outstanding, but good) graphics


- Augment your Preorder BS

- Microtransactions

- Mandatory mini-game that relies solely on expensive items or RNG

- PhysX issues

- Microtransactions

- System requirements (Even for a GTX 970) are insane and unrealistic proofing poor hardware optimization


Overall Scores:

Game: 7/10

Devs: 8/10

Publishers: 1/10

If you would like to see my full Review of this game, feel free to visit here: