This game goes down in history as a true classic; successfully melding genres and combining them with an immersive story

User Rating: 9.7 | Deus Ex PC
Reviewing a game a while after playing is a strange experience. But a game of this calibre deserves a review so I feel I must give it a try. Deus Ex was first released in 2000 and showed us how two genre's could be melded together and combined with a great story and atmosphere to create something pretty unique and very enjoyable. The graphics were not mind-blowing but it has an excellent futuristic atmosphere and a world filled with interactive people - should you save someone or take part in their murder? Should you trust this person or not? Should you do as someone says or not and suffer the concequences? Should you employ stealth or brute force? These kind of gameplay alternatives had never really been fully explored before in a game and Deus Ex put them all together and coupled it with a simple to use but enjoyable RPG system. Great game!