This game may be old, but after playing Battlefield 2, Oblivian and other games, today, I'm returning to this classic!
Yes, today, I am going to play Deus Ex for the hell of it... I remember it used to lag on my Voodoo 3500 at top graphics, but now I got a Radeon X700 AGP pro. After I beat the game again, I'll install Deus Ex: Invisible War! But I really would like a remake of Deus Ex, using the Unreal Engine 3 ^_^ When it comes out...
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Oh, and if you connect Deus Ex with Invisible War, (SPOILERS) go to the genetics lab in Deus Ex one where JC Denton, Paul Denton were born. You'll notice that there's still a subject in one of the tanks named Alex Denton which is the main character in Deus Ex: Invisible War.