Immersion. That's the best way to describe Deus Ex. Not in the way you interact with an unimportant object in the environment, but in how you play through the entire game. You get to choose how you want to play. Do you sneak through that rebel base, or do you go in guns a blazin? Will you pick that lock and sneak in silently, or just blow the door with a bomb and kill everyone in the room? Add to this that your skillset is pretty much completely customizable with a good roleplaying-style upgrade system and you have a game and character that you're invested in. The choices don't end there either. Your interactions with other characters can alter the way future missions are going to turn out. Will you buy the guy at the tavern a round or two or not? The decision could mean the difference between getting the code to the top secret enemy base and having to crawl through the sewers and fight your way in. Every part of this game is filled with these type of choices. Some truly aren't that important, but others could be detrimental to success. Few games have ever immersed me the way this one has. To this day I haven't found a shooter that can top it. Not even the great, but not as good sequel.
Surprisingly, RPG-Shooter hybrids are a bit rare. they were virtually non-existent for most of the last decade, and only now are they beginning to see the light again. Why the drought of such games? I dont know. But Deus... Read Full Review
Ahh, Deus Ex. This is IMO still the best game of the 00's. There are so many great things about this game, I'll explain those later in the review, let's get started. Gameplay: 9.5/10 - Wow. Just wow. Talk about play... Read Full Review