Deux Ex is so immersing and revolutionary, it will be an inspirational example for the developers of today and tomorrow
Deus Ex is a cyberpunk Rpg-FPS hybrid that was released in the early summer of 2000. The game prior to it's release was hyped up as the millennium advancement in gaming with promises of a new stance to gaming as well as non-linear gameplay. Back then all gaming enthusiasts such as myself craved this concept and eagerly and rather impatiently awaited it's release. That being said the game didn't disappoint on any front.
The game is set in a Dystopian world during the 2050s where the player takes the role of JC Denton; a UNATCO (United Nations' Anti-Terrorist Coalition) agent burdened with the tasks of eradicating terrorism in all its forms in a world doomed to total Chaos. The game is played in a first-person view and at times works exactly like your average post-millennium shooter, however it's the RPG elements which revolutionise the game. Despite satisfying trigger happy FPS gamers, Deus Ex implements a skill system in which as the player advances in the game, they are able to increase skills and techniques in areas such as hacking, stealth and of course specialisation in heavy weaponry; this offers multiple ways in carrying out your tasks throughout the game and of course there's the option to mix and match these skills allowing you to vary your approach to given situations each time.
The storyline in the game is one of the finest scripts to be written in video gaming. Fans of conspiracy theories and generally fast moving counter-plots would rejoice at this title which is plentiful of twists, shocks and turnabouts throughout the game. Another excellent feature of the game is it's multiple ending outcome; depending on your decisions and actions in the game you are forced into one of three completely different and equally gripping endings which when concluded, sees you playing through the game again for that different conclusion in the end. The time taken for completion of the game varies depending on the gamer's playing style and decisions so it will be almost impossible for me to predict a time range however I can still guarantee that the game is decently lengthy as well as having enough replayability.
On a technical front, Deus Ex succeeds well. The sights and sound of the several cities in the game are excellent; baring in mind that this game was released 7 years ago you would notice that the graphics despite not being visually stunning are still more than bearable to this day. On the other hand the music and sound effects are terrificly well adapted throughout the game and really immerse the player in the atmosphere of the game.
Deus Ex has been and still is hailed as one of the best games created in modern video gaming. It has received award after award and is constantly praised by gamers and critics alike to this day. And it is safe to say that Deus Ex being such an excellent immersing and deep title deserves all the credit it's been given and should without a doubt be in the library of every modern gaming enthusiast.