Hands down the greatest FPS ever made... Period.
The only game that even comes close to this one for being the greatest revolution in FPS games is System Shock 2.
I feel that Deus Ex is just a little better than SS2 though.
It is amazing that this game is so much like the real world.
If you are not having much luck killing someone... Try stealth and avoid him... If that does not work Use some bots to help you.... If that does not work try hacking in at another spot... If that does not work.... well you get the idea.
This is the ultimate Sandbox game. This is the kind of game that makes me glad to be a gamer. Wish they still made killer games like this today.
Everyone can talk about profits all they want but I think the game industry is in serious trouble. The indie studios are the ones that give us the most awesome games. Too bad they are all going out of business.
The big 4 companies keep drolling out the same boring crap year after year.
That is of course $ony,M$,Nintendo and Stupid EA.
I personally feel that they are all going the wrong direction and are seriously hurting the gaming industry as a whole.
Guess I got a little side tracked there.
Anyway check out this game and you will not regret it.
Best FPS game ever made.