This game is a good look at what people think has "gone wrong" but has only been made more sweet!
the story is Dante, the son of the great demon sparda has been called by Matier and lucia to aid him in their quest to stop arius from releasing argosax the chaos, this leads to an immense game of 20 levels which are all totally annoyingly hard, especially level 16.
lucia is a new introduction into the series, she is a sexy suave red head created by arius as some sort of secretary.
arius himself is a power hungry little turd who wants to be the most powerful magician in the world but wont get that chance when Dante is around.
Dante has GROWN UP (oh my god say dmc 1 fans who cant handle his new hardcore approach) if he was boring and dull he wouldn't be Dante, hes more strong and silent in dmc2 thats all it is, and they probably couldn't think of zippy one liners.The devil trigger system is awesome, its the most in depth DT out of the 3 series and i believe its the best, if you have really low health guess what ! SPARDA is your demon form! how cool is that, and you can interchange your devil hearts so you have different powers whenever you want.
The circle button is a releif on this game! matrix style wall running, rolls flips, backflips you name it its all there and its much better then dmc3's style system!
vergil on dmc3 is better then dante as he has all his styles merged as one a bit like dante on this game.
lucia's disk is almost the same as dantes but backwards and has less levels but is still difficult !
i think this game is good but people hate it because they never got into it properly, the health bars are a genius idea,multiple layers to your health and enemies so it is much harder then the other dmc games.