Disappointment? I Think Not!
STORY 6/10
Yeah, this is the worst quality, or so they say. In this game, a man named Aruis, head of a business corporation, moves to Dumary Island, and, with the use of demon powers, makes the island a demon paradise, terrorizing the citizens within. It's Dante's job, along with the new Lucia, to stop this force of evil and free the people of Dumary. Honestly, it's quite simple and doesn't get much more involved than that, but a decent story, nonetheless. Lucia plays as another demon hunter who aids Dante, and has a separate storyline(somewhat) and disc to go along with this game.
Aye, still pretty good. Controls have been fixed to something we would be used to(Jump is X, and the rest are adjusted fairly), and adds some nice tricks and combos from the very start, which can be viewed in the Start menu while playing. Speaking of which, the map feature seems to have become quite useful, and enemy files provide brief descriptions of what they are, although lacking the info DMC provided. Weapons can be upgraded, more items can be bought, and there's even an enemy HP bar when fighting enemies. Not too shabby. Along with that, a new Bloody Palace has been added to add some challenge and a source of Red Orbs, along with the replacing of Secret Missions with Secret Rooms, allowing pit stops in the levels and a source for more Blue Orb fragments and challenge. As for the game itself, Devil Trigger remains a strong force against enemies, but even without it, you'll be able to enjoy some clear cut combat.
There are more cut scenes with CGI graphics, and they're pretty cut out to be great looking pieces of work. The actual game graphics are nothing to complain about either, so you'll have fun watching the gruesome creatures that Dante will be slaying in this game.
SOUND 9/10
Nothing much to say about this, music is where it's supposed to be, and everything sounds like it should. I think they're might be more screeches from dying enemies, though. :-D
Haha, not much variety in grading. But as for everything, it isn't perfect, but it still works out. You can replay either disc on harder difficulty settings and unlock more stuff, which really allows you to have some good fun. The Bloody Palace is also infinite, so seeing how far you can go can be a real challenge. OVERALL 9/10
Definitely a buy, even though others may warn you. You'll have a good time if you enjoy a good action game, and the Devil May Cry touch still makes its mark. Good luck!