Its still decent, but for what was so great the first time around, Devil May Cry 2 is a disappointment

User Rating: 7 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
Devil May Cry 2 is a disapointment to all fans of the series. The main weakpoint of this game is the story. I don't know if anyone had a clue what they were doing or where they were and why. You were at one place and then the next level was a completely different area and you dont know how you got there. Plus, Dante hardly ever talks in this game. I don't know if it's their idea of "strong and slient" but it doesn't work. Besides the story, Dante seems much weaker than before. You cannot buy new moves, only upgrades that make your weapons stronger. The moves you start out with are limited too. Although you can run on walls and dodge, the stinger move is pathetic and thats about the only special attack with you sword. However, this game does have its good sides. The enemies you face are creative and interesting. Plus, devil trigger is signifiganly better with customizable attributes like flight and healing powers or speed and more powerful attacks (once you obtain the pieces of the amulet). The final boss was a good idea as well, but I won't say what it is. However, Devil May Cry 2 is still a disapointment and I'd honestly just rather play the first one again.