Terribly downsides the series after a superb game that revolutionized the action genre.

User Rating: 7 | Devil May Cry 2 PS2
The first devil may cry was great: responsive control scheme, great visuals, varying difficulty, and great voice work and great background music summed up the best action game in years. Here's why the sequel faltered... Gameplay-8.0-Although great, it falters from repetitiveness, and some of the weapons you get in the game doesn't have any real use. Graphics-6.0-The worst thing about this game, though the character model are nice, larger area designs are dull & lifeless and uninspired. Sound-7.0-Good: Gunshots, sword slashes, and monster moans & groans. Bad: stilted & hesitated dialogue and a boring, half-hearted Dante. Value-6.0-Even on the hardest level, you can clear this game by a crazily 12 hours. Revs. Tilt-7.0-This is worth a rental at best. Wait for the next installment.